In The News
Some of the recent news articles about us.
Unsung Heros of the Deep
Meet Henry Wang and his merry band of divers on a mission.
Diving In A Shipyard
Divers haul over 63 kg of trash from Burrard Inlet near The Shipyards
CBC News
Volunteer scuba divers clean up Metro Vancouver's lakes.
Vancouver is Awesome
Meet the hardcore dive team who cleans up your lake litter (video)
Some of the recent news articles about us.
Diving In A Shipyard
Divers haul over 63 kg of trash from Burrard Inlet near The Shipyards
CBC News
Volunteer scuba divers clean up Metro Vancouver's lakes.
Vancouver is Awesome
Meet the hardcore dive team who cleans up your lake litter (video)
Volunteer Prepare to Clean Up Alta Lake
Garbage might still be accumulating every year in Whistler’s Alta Lake, but there’s some good news: the items are getting smaller.